One of us had their email hacked and that triggered our business social media accounts to be disabled as one of our admins was compromised.
I crafted this spell to open communication with support and deflect all negative energy.
I cleansed my space with smoke and set my intentions to restore our IG access.
I drew a sigil using the phrase “Enable My Access.”
I printed a sheet with social media icons and drew my sigil on the back.
I like to tear the edges of my sigil to activate it.
I poured salt to absorb negative energy in the center and placed black tourmaline on it.
I carved words of my intentions for open communication on a blue candle. I dressed this with Instant Gratification oil to speed communication.
I carved words of protection and defection of negativity on a black candle. I dressed this candle with Van Van oil to open blocked roads.
I lit the candles and meditated on my intentions to restore access. I set my spell in motion and set a time when I envisioned it to be success. I set my intention that support will help resolve my issue by next day.
