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Three is a sacred number, spanning culture and history. For centuries the number three represents the energies of optimism and joy. Three is the number of inspiration and creativity.  Communication, imagination and intelligence are all tied to the number three. Sociability, friendliness, kindness and compassion are also linked to the number three.

The Three of Cups in the tarot, also, represents the converging of community and comfort. Imagine being at a small, intimate gathering with friends, and the conversation flows, laughs are shared, and energy is risen. You feel reborn and at ease, all at once, ready to face the uncertain world ahead.


We adopted the name to signify the three partners, dedicated to sharing their gifts and talents for divining and manifesting wonderful things in their own lives, to others who need to infuse the same magical boost into theirs. 

By harnessing the energy inherent in the power of three's, John, James, and Thomas have created a variety of hand-crafted oils, candles, and other ritual tools to aid in your own growth, nurturing and balancing the scales in your favor. With the added components of virtual tarot, rune, and other forms of divination, the trio can lend insight into the problems that persist, and a path that can be navigated for future success.


Additionally, the three offer personalized spell-crafting, performed by themselves, to aid in jump-starting your quest to a better, more energized you.

Take the first steps in harnessing the power, the joy, and the compassion of the number three, today. Manifest what you want, how you want it!

Image by Joanna Kosinska
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