Wisdom Intention Candle
These candles are created and charged on the 1st day of the Dark Moon. This time is sacred for Athena, Goddess of Wisdom. These candles were charged with the intention of strengthening, leveraging, and acknowledging your wisdom. There is a difference between Wisdom and Knowledge. Use this candle to focus your intention on your path to wisdom.. Be safe - never leave these candles unattended.
These candles are dressed with stones, herbs, and oils to manifest wisdom.
Labradorite encourages the free flow of mental energy.
Amethyst opens you up to higher knowledge.
Rosemary supports cognition, memory, and alertness.
Sage has been shown to improve mood, alertness, and attention.
Peppermint Oil reduces fatigue and boosts alertness, memory, and energy.
Eucalyptus helps center you and concentrate.
Lavender for calm - to help you be confident in your knowledge
Ivy for Athena, Goddess of Wisdom